alt Winter on the Whitewater

Winter on the Whitewater

John Elwood Bundy

James R. Ross Fine Art

Oil on canvas
36 x 40 inches

Other Information
Framed: 46 x 50 inches
Inscription: Signed and dated lower left
Provenance: Frank Milligan Collection, Milford, Connecticut; Private Collection, Richmond, Indiana.
Exhibited: New York, New York, National Arts Club, 1914; Chicago, Illinois, Young's Art Galleries, February 12–24, 1917 (reproduced in brochure, p. 32); Richmond, Indiana, Richmond Art Museum, "Exhibition of Oil Paintings By Maude Kaufman Eggemeyer and John Elwood Bundy," March 16–April 14, 1919 (23); Indianapolis, Indiana, Eckert Fine Art Galleries, "A Walk in the Woods: The Art of John Elwood Bundy (1853-1933)," November 11–December 2, 2000; Richmond, Indiana, Richmond Art Museum, Poetic Woodlands: The Art of John Elwood Bundy," August 25–October 13, 2002 (label verso); Brookville, Indiana, Franklin County Courthouse, "Brookville Through the Artist's Eye," October 16–November 13, 2009; Richmond, Indiana, Richmond Art Museum, "Collector's Edition: Hoosier Art Heritage," February 1-March 26, 2016 (label verso).
Literature: William H. Gerdts, "A Walk in the Woods: The Art of John Elwood Bundy (1853-1933)," reproduced p. 6 (color); "American Art Review Magazine," 19:4 (July–August 2002), reproduced. p. 159 (color). Illustrated in the color brochure for the "Brookville Through the Artist's Eye" exhibition (2009).
Note: One of the artist's largest, most important, most exhibited and illustrated, and best works. Fine original frame.
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