alt Southpoint Vista, Brown County State Park

Southpoint Vista, Brown County State Park

Tim Greatbatch

James R. Ross Fine Art

Oil on canvas
27 x 36 inches

Other Information
Framed: 34 1/4 x 43 1/4 inches
Inscription: Signed and dated lower right
Provenance: The artist.
Note: From the artist: "The Southpoint Vista of the Brown County State Park is located just south of Hohen Point and shortly before the switchback that returns north. The view is to the west. This painting focuses on the fall color of early November (2020) and incorporates an expansive view. The foreground includes the native brome grass and some small sumac trees near the center of the image. The sky was filled with small puffy clouds to the west while a beautiful sunny day illuminated the fall foliage." Fine 22K gold gilt frame.
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