alt Drama of the Northwest

Drama of the Northwest

David Tutwiler

James R. Ross Fine Art

Oil on linen
24 x 36 inches

Price: $7200
Other Information
Framed: 31 3/8 x 43 3/8 inches
Inscription: Signed lower right
Provenance: The artist
Note: The locomotive featured in this picture is Canadian Pacific No. 2816, a class H1b 4-6-4 "Hudson" type steam locomotive built by the Montreal Locomotive Works in 1930 for the Canadian Pacific Railway and named the “Empress." It is the only non-streamlined H1 Hudson to have survived into preservation.

The locomotive was used for over two million miles on heavy passenger service for the Canadian Pacific Railway until the locomotive was formally retired from service in 1960. Canadian Pacific were slow to scrap all their steamers however, due to slumps in metal prices, so 2816 was still extant in 1963 when it was donated to Steamtown, U.S.A. in Bellows Falls, Vermont, for static preservation, arriving at its new home the following year. By 1985 it was relocated to Steamtown's present home in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

In 1998 the locomotive was transported from Scranton to Montreal via Binghamton and Albany, New York, before being shipped cross country to the BC Rail steam shops in Vancouver for restoration.

On August 15, 2001, the restoration work of 2816 was completed, and on August 16, 2001, it moved again under its own power for the first time in forty one years for a test run. In September 2001, the locomotive made its first trial run from the BC Rail steam shops to its new home of Calgary. After an extensive restoration, the locomotive returned to service in 2001 and has been used by the Canadian Pacific Railway in occasional excursion service. It was featured in the 2011 IMAX film "Rocky Mountain Express."

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