alt Connecticut Shore

Connecticut Shore

Vincent Colyer

Godel & Co, Fine Art, Inc.

Oil on canvas
14 1/4 x 24 1/2 inches

Other Information
Provenance: Private collection, Rumsford, NJ, 1996-2007 Exhibited: National Academy of Design, 1873, no. 140 (as Summer Afternoon on the Connecticut Shore); Artists' Fund Society, New York, 1874, no. 56 (as Summer Afternoon on Connecticut Shore).
Literature: "Art. Annual Exhibition of N. A. of Design," The Aldine 6, no. 6 (June 1873), 127; Janice Simon and Ann Y. Smith, Images of Contentment: John Frederick Kensett and the Connecticut Shore, exh. cat. (Waterbury, Connecticut: The Mattatuck Museum, 2001), 29.
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