With Oscar Nominatations abuzz, this post connects FADA's inventory to the diverse range of Oscar Best Picture nominations. From the snow-filled wilderness scenery of the Revenant to the bustling cosmopolitan backdrop of Brooklyn, FADA's inventory is just as varied and encyclopedic as this year's dramas.
For those who watched Mad Max: Fury Road, the desert wasteland is the most consistent backdrop to the futuristic car chases between the title character and the tyrannical leader. Sophie Harpes's desert-scape, with its sinuous strokes recall the sand dunes of Mad Max's barren landscape.
Sophie Harpe, Desert Slot #2, Oil on canvas board, George Stern Fine Arts. Click to inquire.
The charming story of a young Irish girl making her way in America sings the same promising tune as Henry Bacon's Dreaming Anew, Departing New York Harbor from Vallejo Maritime Gallery.
The movie's scene snow-scape, both a source of inspiration and a foe, initiates this tale of survival. Imagine traversing the majestic landscape in Raphael Lillywhite, Untitled (Winter, Colorado), Oil on artist board from David Cook Fine Art. Click to inquire.
The movie's seriously flawed, Wall Street figures definitely share the same suave, suited-up appearance as the figures in Michael Carson’s aptly titled The Hunt, Oil on panel, from Arcadia Contemporary.
This historical thriller set in the 60's recounts the Cold-War paranoia amidst attempts to secure an American prisoner of war from the Soviets. David Datuna’s mixed media flag from Contessa Gallery demonstrates the patriotic stakes of the film.
Sharing the same "out-of-this-world" flare, Arcadia Contemporary’s fun “Conquerors of Outer Space” puts Matt Damon's costume to shame.