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With Oscar Nominatations abuzz, this post connects FADA's inventory to the diverse range of Oscar Best Picture nominations. From the snow-filled wilderness scenery of the Revenant to the bustling cosmopolitan backdrop of Brooklyn, FADA's inventory is just as varied and encyclopedic as this year's dramas.

Mad Max: Fury Road

1-15-2015-1 For those who watched Mad Max: Fury Road, the desert wasteland is the most consistent backdrop to the futuristic car chases between the title character and the tyrannical leader.  Sophie Harpes's desert-scape, with its sinuous strokes recall the sand dunes of Mad Max's barren landscape. 1-15-2015-2

Sophie Harpe, Desert Slot #2, Oil on canvas board, George Stern Fine Arts.  Click to inquire.



The charming story of a young Irish girl making her way in America sings the same promising tune as Henry Bacon's Dreaming Anew, Departing New York Harbor from Vallejo Maritime Gallery. 1-15-2015-4

The Revenant 

DF-21699R – Guided by sheer will and the love of his family, Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) must navigate a vicious winter in a relentless pursuit to live and find redemption.


The movie's scene snow-scape, both a source of inspiration and a foe, initiates this tale of survival. Imagine traversing the majestic landscape in Raphael Lillywhite, Untitled (Winter, Colorado), Oil on artist board from David Cook Fine Art. Click to inquire. 1-15-2015-6

The Big Short

1-15-2015-7 The movie's seriously flawed, Wall Street figures definitely share the same suave, suited-up appearance as the figures in Michael Carson’s aptly titled The Hunt, Oil on panel, from Arcadia Contemporary. 1-15-2015-8

Bridge of Spies 

This historical thriller set in the 60's recounts the Cold-War paranoia amidst attempts to secure an American prisoner of war from the Soviets. David Datuna’s mixed media flag from Contessa Gallery demonstrates the patriotic stakes of the film. 1-15-2015-9

The Martian

1-15-2015-10 Sharing the same "out-of-this-world" flare, Arcadia Contemporary’s fun “Conquerors of Outer Space” puts Matt Damon's costume to shame. 1-15-2015-11